The 4th Annual Professor John Howard Birss, Jr.
Memorial Lecture

Warning: This Book Could Change Your Life:
The Legacy of Henry David Thoreau's Walden
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Lawrence Buell,
Powell M. Cabot Professor of American Literature,
Chair, Department of English and American Literature and Language,
Harvard University

February 26, 2004
5:00 p.m. - Room 157

Feinstein College of Arts and Sciences

LIBRARY EXHIBITION:  February 1 - March 12, 2004
Prepared by Christine Fagan, Collection Development Librarian, in conjunction with the Thoreau Society and the Redwood Library,
Sponsored by the John Howard Birss Jr. Memorial Library Fund

BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: February 11, 2004, 5:00 p.m. Library
Sponsored by the Honor Society
Lead by Dr. James Tackach, Professor of English


     Library Bibliography:

Web Sites

A Bibliography of Library Collections and Web Sites


  Link to the HELIN Library Catalog to find:

Books By Thoreau

Critical Interpretation of Thoreau's works

Diaries of Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau's Walden

Thoreau's Influence


Walden Woods Thoreau Henry David 1817 1862 Homes And Haunts Massachusetts

  Web Sites:

The Walden Woods Project

The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau

The Thoreau Society

Walden - electronic text

American Transcendentalism Web

Henry David Thoreau - Life Stories, Books, and Links



Prepared by the Roger William University Libraries, February 2003